My approach to coaching

Weeding the roots of stress from daily life

Instead of helping you manage the symptoms of stress, I will partner with you to pinpoint what is causing you stress in the first place. 

I believe that the most destructive stress we experience is a by product of living at odds with who we truly are. 

I will help you more clearly identify what is most essential to you and then I will partner with you to re-design your life so that you actually prioritize what matters most to you.

Together we will create a practical, actionable plan that will enable you to interrupt your stress real-time, in your day-to-day life, at the roots using daily body centered mindfulness as your compass. 

When you book a session, please do the pre-work so that we can maximize our time together. There will be some reflective questions to help you identify what truly matters to you as well as what triggers keep the stress cycle alive in your daily life.

While we won’t solve all your stress related concerns in one session, we will map a path and kick start meaningful change.

Leslie Chertok

I bring 30 years of experience as a trauma therapist and meditation practitioner to my coaching practice. What really lights me up is helping people integrate mindfulness and body-centering techniques into their day-to-day lives as a way to align with their most important priorities. I am also the CEO and cofounder of BioPause, a tech company that designs wearable tech for all bodies in support of optimal health. I have served on the faculty of the Billions Institute fellowship since its inception in 2017. I look forward to meeting you!

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Frequently Asked Questions

How do I schedule my appointment?

Upon purchasing coaching, you'll receive a calendly link to book an appointment immediately.

Can I purchase coaching more than once?

Absolutely! If you find yourself in need of coaching in the future, simply purchase the coaching again.

Can I bring other people?

You bet. Feel free to bring your team, colleagues, whoever you want. This is your time and I am here to serve you however is best for you.