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Three Feet of Influence
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Watch this first.
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Facing: What is your leadership challenge or dilemma?
Initial Assessment
You'll want this Facing Worksheet
Facing: Is it just you? Or is it also structural and institutional?
Digging deeper into institutional issues
Do you want to update your acorns?
Optional: Listen to Becky interviewing Tema Okun
Facing: What societal and positional power do you have in this situation?
Facing into your relative societal and positional power
Facing: How am interacting with this challenge or issue?
Watch: Personas and Openness to Discovery
Interview your persona
Facing: Putting it all together
Facing: Journal Exercise
Feeling: What Can Your Feelings Teach You?
Do this first.
Next level exploration of your feelings.
Watch: Befriending Sadness and Letting Go
Watch: Using Anger to Advance Justice
Do this last.
Aligning: What Do You Really Want?
Watch: Knowing Your Yeses and Your Nos
Wanting to Willing to Committing
Do this last.
Revealing: Using Those Three Feet
Start here.
Watch: Speaking Unarguably
Watch: Making Impeccable Agreements
Watch: Proactively Changing Agreements
Watch: Making a Request
Watch: Should I Definitely Say Something? To Whom?
Do this last.
Parting thoughts
Consider joining our coaching community.
Do this last.
Watch: Making Impeccable Agreements
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