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Exponential Impact - Self-Paced
Course Introduction
Welcome to Exponential Impact
Meet the Instructors
How to Get the Most Out of This Course
Task #2: Schedule your own Team Meetings
Task #3: Book your Orientation call with Becky
Task #4: Download the Course Handout Packet
Module 1: Do I have a Team and Organizational Culture that is Ready to Scale?
Task # 1: Reflect on White Supremacy Culture
Task # 2: Strengthen Your Liberatory Consciousness
Task # 3: Understand What is at the Core of Why You Think and Work the Way You Do
TASK # 4: Identify What You Are Moving Toward
Task # 5: Identify Areas to Dismantle Oppression and Design for Liberation
Meta Reflection on Reflections
Module 2: Do I truly understand the problem I am trying to solve?
Read This. Seven Problems with Problems.
Task #1: Draft a Problem Statement.
Inner Work: Reflections on Module 2
Module 3: Do I Deeply Understand the Layered Contexts that Produce and Perpetuate the Problem?
Task #1: Diagram Why Your Problem Is Happening at All Five Levels of Oppression and Liberation
Task 2: Explore These Resources
Inner Work: Reflections on Module 3
Next Steps
Module 4: Do I Fully Understand My Relationship to the People Experiencing the Problem?
Read This.
Task #1: Understand the Three Design Roles - Which Do You Play?
Task #2: Understand and Select an Engagement Framework
Inner Work: Reflections on Module 4
Next Steps & Further Study
Bonus Materials. Additional Engagement Frameworks
Module 5: Are You Using Any Problematic Narratives?
Read These Articles
Task 1: Dominant Narratives and Approaches
Inner Work: Reflections on Module 5
Module 6: Do I Know My Solution Actually Works?
Task #1: Are You Evaluating Success with an Equity Lens?
Inner Work: Reflections on Module 6
Next Steps
Bonus Material: Additional Thoughts on Equitable Solutions Finding
Module 7: Mid-Course Gut Check
You're at the Halfway Point!
Task #1: Gut Check Before Proceeding
Inner Work: Reflections on Module 7
Module 8: What Solution Do I Actually Want to Spread/Scale?
Task #1: Prepare Your Rice and Beans
Task #2: Assess Spread-ability (Hot Sauce)
Task #3: Start Pressure-Testing
Task #4: Share your Rice & Beans
Inner Work: Reflection on Module 8
Module 9: How Much, By When? How to Set Compelling Aims
Task #1: Complete the Great Aims Checklist
Task #2: Share your Aim
Inner Work: Reflections on Module 9
Module 10: How Will I Get Leverage? Raising Awareness, Building Will, and Transferring Skill
Task #1: Select Your Methods for Raising Awareness and Building Will
Task #2: Select Appropriate Methods for Transferring Skill
Task #3: Plot Your Methods on the Diffusion Curve
Task #4: Complete a Driver Diagram
Inner Work: Reflections on Module 10
Module 11: Committing and Planning
Your Mission, Should You Accept It
Task #1: Make a 90 Day Plan
Task #2: Make a Dream Board
Task #3: Commit
Inner Work: Reflections on Module 11
What's Next?
Task #1: Book an Exit Interview with Becky
Task #2: Consider Doing More with the Billions Institute
Task #3: Consider Taking More Courses with Equity Meets Design
Task #4: Complete a Feedback Survey
Task # 3: Understand What is at the Core of Why You Think and Work the Way You Do
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